Ain't No Ninny

Where Creativity and Everyday Life Collide

Poem A Day Challenge – Days 17-19



Yes, folks, I got behind in my poetry-writing.  So today I bring you three short poems to make up for my lapse in versifying.


Her back is broken
Heat rises up to shake her to the core
Wormholes bore into her from without
drilling for her black blood
We exfoliate her skin
Poison the air she breathes
Use up her resources
Until she, sick and tired,
Taking us with her



She is like that sauce
Sweet in your heart for a bit
Then sour after


The Kitty Ate My Poetry: A Terzanelle

The kitty ate my poetry
She thought it was a mouse
And threw it up beneath a tree

Then ran behind the house
To ponder what she had just done
She thought it was a mouse

Which usually is fun
But didn’t taste good this time out
She pondered what she’d done

I saw it all and gave a shout
I tried to save the words
It didn’t taste good this time out

It tasted like warm birds!
I spit it out and rewrote it
I tried to save the words

That is why I had a fit
The kitty ate my poetry
She spit it out; I rewrote it
While sitting ‘neath the tree

Author: aintnoninny

I write poetry and fiction; create doodle art; do genealogical research; take photographs of the world around me; think about odd things; hike the red rocks; and obsess on food.

5 thoughts on “Poem A Day Challenge – Days 17-19

  1. I enjoyed reading all three of these very different poems. You are a very versatile poet.

  2. Very good. Poetic topics with a difference. I really liked the Haiku; very witty 🙂

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